The history of video games strikes back! (Part II)
1980s. The Cold War is going on with the soviet union and America
duking it out, both sides with their finger on the nuclear trigger.
It was a scary time.
nuke protests, the falklands war and groups like the IRA casing
trouble are just a handful of things people experienced during the
80s but what is always the case during times of depression like this
is that there are always people creating ways to escape the bleak
reality. Video games went through a huge development through this
period and many of today's most well known companies and franchises
started out here; this was the age of the console arms race, handhelds and now considered classic games.
Before we get into the great parts of this era though we need a bit of background. Here we start with the great crash of 1983...
Game Crash of 1983
oversaturation of the market led to the great video game crash of
1983. The amount of clones of software and hardware on the market
eventually pushed the industry to tipping point; a famous example of
this is the legendary E.T. Game by Atari which is largely considered
to be one of the worst video games ever made. Atari rushed the
development for E.T. in time for the Christmas season which totalled
only 6 weeks, the game was released but was a critically and
commercial bomb which along with the cost of the film rights and an
overestimation of sales created a devastating loss for Atari.
is a cool video explaining some of the events of the video game crash:
Rise of Nintendo
most important development in the 80s is the rise of home consoles.
Here I start with one of the most significant: The Nintendo Famicom.
The Original Famicom - Image Source: |
Famicom (Otherwise known as the Nintendo Family Computer) was the
best selling games console at it's time. It was later repackaged into
a more sleek and modern design for it's release in America and Europe
which came to be known as the Nintendo Entertainment System.
console was incredibly popular, the redesign for America and Europe
especially so because the sleek look of the console made consumers
think it was less of a kid's toy which helped it sell to wider
audiences. It paved the way for successive consoles as it proposed a
new standard for who a console should cater to post-video game crash
of 1983, more consumers brought into the premise of buying a console
that wasn't just for kids which is an idea that continued to develop
into the 90s.
The Nintendo Entertainment System as designed for the western consumer, this console had a more sleek and higher quality look than the Famicom - Image Source: |
bit Generation and introduction of handhelds
now 1989 and the introduction of Nintendo's Game Boy, the first major
handheld gaming console which opened up another area of the video
game market by establishing portable gaming. It was an 8 bit system
like the SNES with a monochrome screen, fantastic games like Tetris
and Pokemon helped make the Game Boy a huge success.
gaming has become a huge staple in the industry since the Game Boy
and it's influence still stands, the ability to be able to play games
while in a car or train was a revolution and to this day the Game Boy
is one of the fastest selling consoles of all time. Handheld gaming
will eventually undergo another major shift in the noughties with the
rise of mobile devices and app stores, but more on that in part 3...
The Game Boy - Image Source: |
for the next generation, coming into the late 80s we have the Sega
Genesis as the first major 16 bit console, it made waves before the
delayed debut of Nintendo's 16-bit successor to the NES with games
like Sonic The Hedgehog attracting many with it's enhanced graphics
and sound.
came the largest of the 16-bit consoles, the SNES (Super Nintendo
Entertainment System) came in to the market in 1991 with a slow start
but by the end of its run it had outsold the Sega Genesis. Nintendo's
franchises lured gamers in with games like Super Mario World, Donkey
Kong Country and Super Metroid seeing the most acclaim and
popularity. Also slightly improved graphics over the Sega Genesis
helped the console sell, using new techniques like Mode7 to simulate
a 3d environment in games like Super Mario Kart and Star Fox (which
also used an additional graphics addon for the SNES called the
bit generation ad 3d dimensional graphics
SNES dominated the period up until the next generation, which
kickstarted with the massively successful Playstation.
The original playstation - Image Source: |
Playstation came into direct competition with the Nintendo 64 with
it's first party library of games. Because of the cheaper price point
of the Playstation and its discs (as a result of using CDs instead of
cartridges) third party developers and consumers started to lean
towards Playstation more than Nintendo's offering at the time.
A Lego model of a Nintendo 64, by now if you haven't noticed I have a bit of a love for Lego. Anything in Lego is awesome. :P Image Source: |
Nintendo 64 did have some things going for it however and was the
first console to properly introduce a joystick into its controller
which the Playstation added later on, also it's loading og games was
a quicker than the playstation due to the cartridge system.
next: Noughties, modern era and the future.
that it's for now, hope this had made you want to go back and play
some classics games. I really want to go back and play Super Mario
World right now... To be concluded in 'History of vidya gamez part
be covering platforms from the noughties onwards starting with the
Playstation 2, then going into the rise of online gaming, motion
controls and then into this decade with cloud gaming, the mobile
market and a brief look at the future including virtual reality and
companion gameplay.
Before I go though a random related song nugget from this period, this song came on just as I was finishing this blog post:
Famicom (Nintendo Entertainment System.) Wikipedia. [Online]. [Accessed 27 March 2014]. Available from:
A History Of Video Game Consoles. (2005). TIME Magazine. [Online]. [Accessed 12 April 2014]. Available from:,31813,2029221,00.html
From Game Boy to 3ds - A history of handhelds (2011). The Guardian. [Online]. [Accessed 12 April 2014]. Available from:
Ten facts about the great video game crash of 83'. Nadia Oxford. (2011). IGN. [Online]. [Accessed 12 April 2014]. Available from:
Nintendo Entertainment System. Gamespy. [Online]. [Accessed 12 April 2014]. Available from:
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